Welcome to the Foushée Surveys
Compensation Surveys and Benchmarking Data
Established 1980

Security and Compliance Compensation Survey Competitive Rates
There has never been a time in American history when Security and Compliance personnel have played a more important role!
Significant demand for Security & Compliance professionals has created aggressive increases in total compensation, well above the national average.
Are your Security and Compliance management, professionals and technical personnel paid competitively?
Environmental, Health & Safety Compensation Survey Competitive Rates
Are your environmental, health and safety managers, professional and technical personnel paid competitively?
The answer to this question relies on your ability to gain access to reliable, professionally developed, accurate and current compensation survey information. Since there is very little current compensation information available, you have probably relied solely on internal benchmarking to place the positions within your organization. You need current, comprehensive data to conduct a thorough analysis and to complete your compensation planning.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us.